Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Waiting for Blooms!

Here it is another gloomy day in Rhode Island. I have so many plants and flowers getting ready to bloom but I think we need a little more sun! LOL! I planted some morning glories near an arbor at the front gate of my house that are just starting to climb. As soon as they start blooming I'll post some pics. Here's a couple of pics I took the other day of a vinca vine I placed in a lantern I found at a yard sale and my back corner. The watering can has a geranium in it that hasn't bloomed yet. Soon I hope! Blessings to you all!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Raining Again!

Well today is another day of showers. I've been wanting to post more pics but the weather hasn't been cooperating much. Have morning glories that haven't bloomed yet and some others that I think could use some more sun. I recently put an arbor at my front gate of the house so I'm dying to see the morning glories start growing! I also just took my window birdfeeders down from my porch. I love watching the birds but boy do they make a mess!! Bird poop everywhere! LOL! Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful day and as soon as my flowers start blooming more I'll have plenty of pics to post. Until then God Bless.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Garden is Growing!!

I'm amazed at just how beautifully everything is growing this year. I think all the rain we've been getting has really helped alot! Here are some pics of a clematis vine I planted about 3 years ago. As you can see it's doing great! I have it growing on a heart trellis right now but I think I'm going to have to get something bigger next year.

I also planted a perrenial garden on one side of my house that's doing great too!

Here's a pic of some daisies I planted last week next to a cherub holding a baby bluebird.

I'll be posting many more pics as soon as things start growing more. Everyone have a wonderful rest of your weekend and thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I found this old meat crate in the attic over my garage. I really like it but have no idea how to display it. I was thinking of putting it in my yard and filling it with plants and flowers. Does anyone have any ideas? I'd love to hear your input. Hopefully I can do "something" with it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

In Bloom!

Here it is 8:00 in the morning and they're saying showers and in the 60's. I keep looking at my vegetable garden and wondering if it's ever going to grow! I guess I shouldn't complain seeing all the rain is really helping everything! Here is a pic of my rosebush I planted last year for my mom. It's doing beautifully!