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because the sun has been out the past couple of days flowers are finally starting to bloom! Here are some pics I took today so you can see the progress.
Well my Black Eyed Susans are finally starting to bloom. We've had soooo much rain and not much sun so things are just starting to bloom. This particular plant just happened to grow right in the middle of my back corner garden. I never planted it there but there it is! I'm still waiting for my morning glories to bloom. Lots of leaves but no blooms yet. I'm getting really impatient waiting for everything. The weather here has only been in the 70's during the day so it hasn't gotten really hot yet. I'll be posting more pics as things bloom. Thanks for stopping by and blessings to all.
I found an old piece of fence or ladder in back of my house and decided to use it in the back corner of my yard. I placed an old watering can with some vinca vine on the top step and leaned it up against my fence. There are quite a few other plants just on the verge of blooming so when they do I'll be posting more pics. Blessings to everyone.