Monday, March 30, 2009

My Great Grandmother

It's kind of funny how when you see an old picture (like the one I just posted of my great grandmother) you wonder what that person was like, what kind of life they had and just who they were in general. I received a stack of photos from my aunt a few weeks ago and it just amazes me that these people are actually related to me. You wonder what their daily life was like, how they managed all those kids they used to have and how they got by with so little. It really puts things in perspective today doesn't it?


OldeAnniePrimitives said...

I totally agree! My grandmother died over 25 years before I was even born! It's hard to imagine that she was born in the late eighteen hundreds! My GRANDmother! And I'm in my early 50's! Would LOVE to go back in time for about a week to live with her! ~~Annie

Room by Room Primitive Decorating said...

Me too! I have a fascination with the past. I have old pics on my website at if you'd like to take a peak. Thanks for following Annie! Have a great day!